Fallguard Safety Auto-Reset Monitor
Safety Auto-Reset
The TL-2100S Monitor is designed for use with all Smart Caregiver corded sensor pads and mats. Simply plug a sensor pad into the monitor and place the pad under the resident in a chair or bed. When the resident gets up and pressure is removed, the alarm will sound notifying caregivers that the resident is on the move. This alarm features a Safety Auto-Reset™ Function which will automatically reset and silence the alarm when pressure is re-applied to the sensor pad.
Optional TamperProof™ Setting
When set to TamperProof™, the Monitor alert can ONLY be reset using the provided Caregiver Key™. Selecting this setting ensures that only the designated caregiver can silence the alarm.
SAFE w/ Always ON Technology
The TL-2100S has been designed without an ON/OFF switch to sure that the monitor cannot be accidentally disarmed. And since the monitor automatically turns back on when pressure is re-applied to the connected sensor pad, the system is always on and ready for immediate use.
Optional AC Adapter
AC-05 AC-05 (6V DC Power Adapter)
– Safety Auto-Reset function automatically silences and resets alarm
-Optional Setting: Caregiver with key can reset the monitor with Patented, Caregiver Key™ which tamper proofs monitor.
-Always ON Technology: No unsafe On/Off switch ensures monitor cannot be accidentally turned off.
-Nurse Call System Enabled (1/4” Nurse Call Port)
-Battery Operated (3-AA, Not Included).
-Optional 6V DC Power Adapter (AC-05)
If you require installation and user training, please call us on +61 492 835 058 or send a message via Contact Us, our sales team will contact you shortly.